IIT Kharagpur :: Exposure of Frauds, Irregularities :: A Few illustrative sample cases

Some shocking facts found on the internet (original link given at last):

1.     IIT Kharagpur (KGP) Director, Prof. D. Acharya is recommended major penalty, by CBI in AICTE scam. In spite of his own indictment, Prof. Acharya suspended whistleblower Prof. Kumar when this dormant matter became public. There are many instances of Prof. Acharya submitting ‘patently false’ information, malafidely & maliciously, in official documents.

2.   A CBI enquiry is pending in running of a fake Institute with alleged involvement of IIT KGP’s past/current directors (Prof. K.L. Chopra, Prof. S.K, Dube, Prof. D. Acharya), officiating registrar (Dr. T.K. Ghosal), then CVO (Prof. A.K. Ghosh) and current CVO (Prof. B.K. Mathur), and many senior professors, who are the alleged complicit.

3.      Irregularities and favoritism in the appointments of the Registrar, Dr T.K. Ghosal, by past and current directors (Prof. K.L. Chopra, Prof. S.K, Dube, Prof. D. Acharya). Director Prof. Acharya misled CVC by submitting a wrong report and got the matter closed. Dr T.K. Ghosal’s son was appointed as a Network Engineer (Group A post) by Director Acharya by ignoring many meritorious applicants.

4.     IIT Patna Director, Prof. A.K. Bhowmick, the then IIT KGP Dean, was recommended major penalty, by CBI, in Coal-Net Scam. It’s a mystery how Prof. Bhowmick got CVC clearance to be appointed as an IIT Director being indicted for a major penalty by CBI. CAG remarked that the implementation of the Coal-net remained unfruitful even after 7 years and spending Rs. 39.58 crore. Others indicted professors were awarded too.

5.      IIT KGP Dean, Prof. P.P. Chakrabarti, was recommended penalty by CBI in the same Coal-net Scam. Instead, Prof. Chakrabarti was promoted and is continuing as the Dean, SRIC for almost a decade. Prof. Chakrabarti is embroiled in mis-appropriating IPRs, in which the technology was allegedly transferred to Indian Railway in violation of the non-disclosure. Tens of millions of public fund is being spent in defending his individual legal suits in US court. No sanction was taken from Ext. Affair Ministry. Dean SRIC and Officials suppressed most details.

6.   IIT KGP Deputy Director, Prof. A.K. Mazumdar, Chairman Purchase Comm., in Laptop Scam, ignored hugely cheaper laptop (Rs 69 K) which matches best with the specifications. Instead, IIT approved laptop at exorbitant rates (Rs 107 K) of the same make, when laptop’s demand was in hundreds. Prof. Mazumdar siphoned millions for his spouse from his and his protege (computer science dept. Head & Prof. Jayanta Mukhopadyay)’s project funds.

7.      IIT KGP Dean, Prof. S.K. Som, with Chairmen JEE, falsely submitted that there were no admissions, in IIT KGP, without JEE’s merit list, though there were hundreds of such admissions done, including wards of the ex-Deputy Director Prof. M. Chakraborty (current IIT Bhubneshwar Director) and the then JEE Chairman, Prof. V.K. Tewari.

8.    IIT KGP Dean, Prof. P.K.J. Mohapatra’s alleged role in M.Tech. 2010 admission irregularities, in which admission details were suppressed by submitting patently false information that the admissions were not based onGATE score.

9.      IIT Faculty nexus with GATE coaching classescomputer science Prof. I. Sengupta was associated with a Kolkata GATE coaching while his spouse, Prof. D. Roychowdhury was a question paper setter of Computer Science GATE.

10.  Admissions of the wards of IIT KGP’s Administrators, including Directors, Deputy Director, Deans, Professor-In-Charges, GATE/JEE Chairmen, etc. is a routine affair in IIT KGP.

11.  A ward of IIT KGP’s past Director, Prof. S.K. Dube, was caught for impersonating in JEE.

12.  IIT KGP is a serial violator of RTI. Not a single out of 3 dozen applications, was ever dealt in accordance with RTI Act. None of the CIC orders was ever completely complied by the IIT.

13.  IIT Chairman, Mr. Shiv Nadar’s SSN College of Engineering was accredited by discarding Experts’ reports. It is not understood why Mr. Nadar’s College is not under CBI Scanner. It may be noted that the Director Acharya is indicted for a major penalty by CBI for an identical favor.

14.  No action on any of the CBI, CVC or CAG reports/complaints was ever taken by the IIT.  Call details of Kumar’s personal cell phone are being acquired by IIT.

-------------------------------- कोई भी मूल्य एवं संस्कृति तब तक जीवित नहीं रह सकती जब तक वह आचरण में नहीं है.


  1. आदरणीय मित्रों ,
    सादर नमस्कार .

    वेब मीडिया और हिंदी का वैश्विक परिदृश्य - इस विषय पे एक पुस्तक प्रकाशित करने क़ी योजना पे मैं , भाई रविन्द्र प्रभात और शैलेश भारतवासी काम कर रहे हैं . आप का आलेख पुस्तक के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है , आप से अनुरोध है क़ि आप अपना आलेख भेज कर इस प्रकाशन कार्य में सहयोग दें . आलेख ३० जून तक भेजने क़ी कृपा करें . आलेख के लिए कुछ उप विषय इस प्रकार हैं -

    मीडिया का बदलता स्वरूप और इन्टरनेट

    व्यक्तिगत पत्रकारिता और वेब मीडिया

    वेब मीडिया और हिंदी

    हिंदी के विकास में वेब मीडिया का योगदान

    भारत में इन्टरनेट का विकास

    वेब मीडिया और शोसल नेटवरकिंग साइट्स

    लोकतंत्र और वेब मीडिया

    वेब मीडिया और प्रवासी भारतीय

    हिंदी ब्लागिंग स्थिति और संभावनाएं

    इंटरनेट जगत में हिंदी की वर्तमान स्थिति

    हिंदी भाषा के विकाश से जुड़ी तकनीक और संभावनाएं

    इन्टरनेट और हिंदी ; प्रौद्योगिकी सापेक्ष विकास यात्रा

    व्यक्तिगत पत्रकारिता और ब्लागिंग

    हिंदी ब्लागिंग पर हो रहे शोध कार्य

    हिंदी की वेब पत्रकारिता

    हिंदी की ई पत्रिकाएँ

    हिंदी के अध्ययन-अध्यापन में इंटरनेट की भूमिका

    हिंदी भाषा से जुड़े महत्वपूर्ण साफ्टव्येर

    हिंदी टंकण से जुड़े साफ्टव्येर और संभावनाएं

    वेब मीडिया , सामाजिक सरोकार और व्यवसाय

    शोसल नेटवरकिंग का इतिहास

    वेब मीडिया और अभिव्यक्ति के खतरे

    वेब मीडिया बनाम सरकारी नियंत्रण की पहल

    वेब मीडिया ; स्व्तंत्रता बनाम स्वछंदता

    इन्टरनेट और कापी राइट

    वेब मीडिया और हिंदी साहित्य

    वेब मीडिया पर उपलब्ध हिंदी की पुस्तकें

    हिंदी वेब मीडिया और रोजगार

    भारत में इन्टरनेट की दशा और दिशा

    हिंदी को विश्व भाषा बनाने में तकनीक और इन्टरनेट का योगदान

    बदलती भारती शिक्षा पद्धति में इन्टरनेट की भूमिका

    लोकतंत्र , वेब मीडिया और आम आदमी

    सामाजिक न्याय दिलाने में वेब मीडिया का योगदान

    भारतीय युवा पीढ़ी और इन्टरनेट

    वेब मीडिया सिद्धांत और व्यव्हार

    आप अपने आलेख भेज सहयोग करें , इन उप विषयों के अतिरिक्त भी अन्य विषय पे आप लिखने के लिए स्वतन्त्र हैं । आप के सुझाओ का भी स्वागत है ।

    आलेख यूनिकोड में भेजें यदि आपको यूनिकोड में टाइप करने में असुविधा महसूस हो रही है तो कृपया कृतिदेव के किसी फॉन्ट में आलेख भेज दें।

    आप इस साहित्यिक अनुष्ठान मे जिस तरह भी सहयोग देना चाहें, आप अवश्य सूचित करें ।

    डॉ मनीष कुमार मिश्रा
    अध्यक्ष - हिंदी विभाग
    के . एम . अग्रवाल महाविद्यालय 421301
    गांधारी विलेज, पडघा रोड , कल्याण - पश्चिम

  2. IIT Kharagpur - Officiating Registrar Mr. T K Ghosal who appeared for interview on Dec 05. 2012 for the Post of Registrar in IIT Kharagpur does not fulfil the minimum qualification prescribed for recruitment as per UGC / MHRD / Judgement of Supreme Court of India, i.e., 10+2+3+2 / 11+1+3+2 pattern, and has secured less than 50% marks in Master's Degree received by Distance Education. As per MHRD / UGC norm, the educational qualification for the post of Registrar must be as Under: "A Master's Degree with at least 55% of Marks or its equivalent grade of 'B' in the UGC Scale 7 point scale." Members of Screening Committee have shortlisted the name of Mr. T K Ghosal without following the above criteria and T K Ghosal's allegations. Mr.B K Mathur, Faculty of Physics, who is one of member in the screening committee for shorlisting the candidates for the post of Registrar in IIT Kharagpur is under CBI scanner because of his involvement in fake institute scam in IIT-Kharagpur. Mr. B K Mathur did not publish any publications and produce single PhD till date but he is now professor, Dean, Chairman of Information Chell, and Chief Vigilance Officer.Mr. B K Mathur was a member of the board of governors of IEE (I) which was fake institute running by Professors of IIT Kharagpur. Now Authorities of IIT Kharagpur have appointed Mr. T K Ghosal by ignoring many meritorious candidates.
