पिस्तौल और बम इंकलाब नहीं लाते - भगत सिंह

२८ सितम्बर २००७ को शहीद भगत सिंह की जन्मशती थी और अचरज नहीं होना चाहिए कि उसी साल सिविल सर्विस की परीक्षा में परिक्षार्थियों से 'भगत सिंहः एक क्रांतिकारी आतंकवादी' विषय पर टिप्पणी लिखने के लिए कहा गया. इतिहास दृष्टि के मामले में बेहद विपन्न हमारा बहुत बड़ा तबका शायद इसी तरीके से सोचता है. गांधी को महान बताने के लिए शहीद भगत सिंह को हिंसक बताने की एक लंबी सुविधाजनक परम्परा तो हमारे देश में ही है. लेकिन सच तो ये है कि शहीद भगत सिंह हिंसा और आतंकवाद को बहुत सुलझे हुए तरीके से देखते थे. अलग-अलग अवसर पर दिये गए उनके वक्तव्य से इस बात को समझा जा सकता है. अपने ट्रायल के दौरान दिया गया उनका यह मशहूर बयान इस बात को स्पष्ट करता है:-

"माई लॉर्ड, हम न वकील हैं, न अंग्रेजी विशेषज्ञ और न हमारे पास डिगरियां हैं. इसलिए हमसे शानदार भाषणों की आशा न की जाए. हमारी प्रार्थना है कि हमारे बयान की भाषा संबंधी त्रुटियों पर ध्यान न देते हुए, उसके वास्तविक अर्थ को समझने का प्रयत्न किया जाए. दूसरे तमाम मुद्दों को अपने वकीलों पर छोड़ते हुए मैं स्वयं एक मुद्दे पर अपने विचार प्रकट करूंगा. यह मुद्दा इस मुकदमे में बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है. मुद्दा यह है कि हमारी नीयत क्या थी और हम किस हद तक अपराधी हैं.

विचारणीय यह है कि असेंबली में हमने जो दो बम फेंके, उनसे किसी व्यक्ति को शारीरिक या आर्थिक हानि नहीं हुई. इस दृष्टिकोण से हमें जो सजा दी गई है, वह कठोरतम ही नहीं, बदला लेने की भावना से भी दी गई है. यदि दूसरे दृष्टिकोण से देखा जाए, तो जब तक अभियुक्त की मनोभावना का पता न लगाया जाए, उसके असली उद्देश्य का पता ही नहीं चल सकता. यदि उद्देश्य को पूरी तरह भुला दिया जाए, तो किसी के साथ न्याय नहीं हो सकता, क्योंकि उद्देश्य को नजरों में न रखने पर संसार के बड़े-बड़े सेनापति भी साधारण हत्यारे नजर आएंगे. सरकारी कर वसूल करने वाले अधिकारी चोर, जालसाज दिखाई देंगे और न्यायाधीशों पर भी कत्ल करने का अभियोग लगेगा. इस तरह सामाजिक व्यवस्था और सभ्यता खून-खराबा, चोरी और जालसाजी बनकर रह जाएगी.

यदि उद्देश्य की उपेक्षा की जाए, तो किसी हुकूमत को क्या अधिकार है कि समाज के व्यक्तियों से न्याय करने को कहे? यदि उद्देश्य की उपेक्षा की जाए, तो हर धर्म प्रचारक झूठ का प्रचारक दिखाई देगा और हरेक पैगंबर पर अभियोग लगेगा कि उसने करोड़ों भोले और अनजान लोगों को गुमराह किया . यदि उद्देश्य को भुला दिया जाए, तो हजरत ईसा मसीह गड़बड़ी फैलाने वाले, शांति भंग करने वाले और विद्रोह का प्रचार करने वाले दिखाई देंगे और कानून के शब्दों में वह खतरनाक व्यक्तित्व माने जाएंगे... अगर ऐसा हो, तो मानना पड़ेगा कि इनसानियत की कुरबानियां, शहीदों के प्रयत्न, सब बेकार रहे और आज भी हम उसी स्थान पर खड़े हैं, जहां आज से बीस शताब्दियों पहले थे. कानून की दृष्टि से उद्देश्य का प्रश्न खासा महत्व रखता है."

"माई लॉर्ड, इस दशा में मुझे यह कहने की आज्ञा दी जाए कि जो हुकूमत इन कमीनी हरकतों में आश्रय खोजती है, जो हुकूमत व्यक्ति के कुदरती अधिकार छीनती है, उसे जीवित रहने का कोई अधिकार नहीं. अगर यह कायम है, तो आरजी तौर पर और हजारों बेगुनाहों का खून इसकी गर्दन पर है. यदि कानून उद्देश्य नहीं देखता, तो न्याय नहीं हो सकता और न ही स्थायी शांति स्थापित हो सकती है. आटे में संखिया मिलाना जुर्म नहीं, यदि उसका उद्देश्य चूहों को मारना हो. लेकिन यदि इससे किसी आदमी को मार दिया जाए, तो कत्ल का अपराध बन जाता है. लिहाजा, ऐसे कानूनों को, जो युक्ति (दलील) पर आधारित नहीं और न्याय के सिद्धांत के विरुद्ध है, उन्हें समाप्त कर देना चाहिए. ऐसे ही न्याय विरोधी कानूनों के कारण बड़े-बड़े श्रेष्ठ बौद्धिक लोगों ने बगावत के कार्य किए हैं.

हमारे मुकदमे के तथ्य बिल्कुल सादा हैं. ८ अप्रैल, १९२९ को हमने सेंट्रल असेंबली में दो बम फेंके. उनके धमाके से चंद लोगों को मामूली खरोंचें आईं. चेंबर में हंगामा हुआ, सैकड़ों दर्शक और सदस्य बाहर निकल गए. कुछ देर बाद खामोशी छा गई. मैं और साथी बीके दत्त खामोशी के साथ दर्शक गैलरी में बैठे रहे और हमने स्वयं अपने को प्रस्तुत किया कि हमें गिरफ्तार कर लिया जाए. हमें गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया. अभियोग लगाए गए और हत्या करने के प्रयत्न के अपराध में हमें सजा दी गई. लेकिन बमों से ४-५ आदमियों को मामूली चोटें आईं और एक बेंच को मामूली नुकसान पहुंचा. जिन्होंने यह अपराध किया, उन्होंने बिना किसी किस्म के हस्तक्षेप के अपने आपको गिरफ्तारी के लिए पेश कर दिया. सेशन जज ने स्वीकार किया कि यदि हम भागना चाहते, तो भागने में सफल हो सकते थे. हमने अपना अपराध स्वीकार किया और अपनी स्थिति स्पष्ट करने के लिए बयान दिया. हमें सजा का भय नहीं है. लेकिन हम यह नहीं चाहते कि हमें गलत समझा जाए. हमारे बयान से कुछ पैराग्राफ काट दिए गए हैं, यह वास्तविकता की दृष्टि से हानिकारक है."

"समग्र रूप में हमारे वक्तव्य के अध्ययन से साफ होता है कि हमारे दृष्टिकोण से हमारा देश एक नाजुक दौर से गुजर रहा है. इस दशा में काफी ऊंची आवाज में चेतावनी देने की जरूरत थी और हमने अपने विचारानुसार चेतावनी दी है. संभव है कि हम गलती पर हों, हमारा सोचने का ढंग जज महोदय के सोचने के ढंग से भिन्न हो, लेकिन इसका यह अर्थ नहीं कि हमें अपने विचार प्रकट करने की स्वीकृति न दी जाए और गलत बातें हमारे साथ जोडी जाएं.

'इंकलाब जिंदाबाद और साम्राज्यवाद मुर्दाबाद' के संबंध में हमने जो व्याख्या अपने बयान में दी, उसे उड़ा दिया गया है: हालांकि यह हमारे उद्देश्य का खास भाग है. इंकलाब जिंदाबाद से हमारा वह उद्देश्य नहीं था, जो आमतौर पर गलत अर्थ में समझा जाता है. पिस्तौल और बम इंकलाब नहीं लाते, बल्कि इंकलाब की तलवार विचारों की सान पर तेज होती है और यही चीज थी, जिसे हम प्रकट करना चाहते थे. हमारे इंकलाब का अर्थ पूंजीवादी युद्धों की मुसीबतों का अंत करना है. मुख्य उद्देश्य और उसे प्राप्त करने की प्रक्रिया समझे बिना किसी के संबंध में निर्णय देना उचित नहीं. गलत बातें हमारे साथ जोड़ना साफ अन्याय है.

इसकी चेतावनी देना बहुत आवश्यक था. बेचैनी रोज-रोज बढ़ रही है. यदि उचित इलाज न किया गया, तो रोग खतरनाक रूप ले लेगा. कोई भी मानवीय शक्ति इसकी रोकथाम न कर सकेगी. अब हमने इस तूफान का रुख बदलने के लिए यह कार्रवाई की. हम इतिहास के गंभीर अध्येता हैं. हमारा विश्वास है कि यदि सत्ताधारी शक्तियां ठीक समय पर सही कार्रवाई करतीं, तो फ्रांस और रूस की खूनी क्रांतियां न बरस पड़तीं. दुनिया की कई बड़ी-बड़ी हुकूमतें विचारों के तूफान को रोकते हुए खून-खराबे के वातावरण में डूब गईं. सत्ताधारी लोग परिस्थितियों के प्रवाह को बदल सकते हैं. हम पहले चेतावनी देना चाहते थे. यदि हम कुछ व्यक्तियों की हत्या करने के इच्छुक होते, तो हम अपने मुख्य उद्देश्य में विफल हो जाते."

"माई लॉर्ड, इस नीयत और उद्देश्य को दृष्टि में रखते हुए हमने कार्रवाई की और इस कार्रवाई के परिणाम हमारे बयान का समर्थन करते हैं. एक और नुक्ता स्पष्ट करना आवश्यक है. यदि हमें बमों की ताकत के संबंध में कतई ज्ञान न होता, तो हम पं. मोती लाल नेहरू, श्री केलकर, श्री जयकर और श्री जिन्ना जैसे सम्माननीय राष्ट्रीय व्यक्तियों की उपस्थिति में क्यों बम फेंकते? हम नेताओं के जीवन किस तरह खतरे में डाल सकते थे? हम पागल तो नहीं हैं? और अगर पागल होते, तो जेल में बंद करने के बजाय हमें पागलखाने में बंद किया जाता. बमों के संबंध में हमें निश्चित जानकारी थी. उसी कारण हमने ऐसा साहस किया. जिन बेंचों पर लोग बैठे थे, उन पर बम फेंकना कहीं आसान काम था, खाली जगह पर बमों को फेंकना निहायत मुश्किल था. अगर बम फेंकने वाले सही दिमागों के न होते या वे परेशान होते, तो बम खाली जगह के बजाय बेंचों पर गिरते.

तो मैं कहूंगा कि खाली जगह के चुनाव के लिए जो हिम्मत हमने दिखाई, उसके लिए हमें इनाम मिलना चाहिए. इन हालात में, माई लार्ड, हम सोचते हैं कि हमें ठीक तरह समझा नहीं गया. आपकी सेवा में हम सजाओं में कमी कराने नहीं आए, बल्कि अपनी स्थिति स्पष्ट करने आए हैं. हम चाहते हैं कि न तो हमसे अनुचित व्यवहार किया जाए, न ही हमारे संबंध में अनुचित राय दी जाए. सजा का सवाल हमारे लिए गौण है."

क़माले बुज़दिली है अपनी ही नज़रों में पस्त होना
गर थोड़ी सी जुर्रत हो तो क्या कुछ हो नहीं सकता.

उभरने ही नहीं देतीं ये बेमाइगियाँ दिल की
नहीं तो कौन सा क़तरा है जो दरिया हो नहीं सकता.
------------------------------------------------------------- कोई भी मूल्य एवं संस्कृति तब तक जीवित नहीं रह सकती जब तक वह आचरण में नहीं है.


Teachers Should Be Role Models - Dr. Kalam

'A student spends 25,000 hours in the campus. The school must have the best of teachers who have the ability to teach, love teaching and build moral qualitiesA.P.J. ABDUL KALAM (Text of Speech given on 5 Sep 2003)
Dear listeners of All India Radio and teachers, my greetings to all of you.
   I am talking to you on the special occasion of Teachers' Day. On this day, we gratefully remember the great educationist Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, whose dream was that "Teachers should be the best minds in the country". Hence, Teachers' Day is very important for all our people, for our students and even for all the parents, as the teachers lay the foundation for creating enlightened citizens for the nation. On this day, I would like to recall three teachers who helped me in shaping my life.
      To begin with I am going to talk to you about my father Janab Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen, as a teacher. My father taught me a great lesson when I was a young boy. What was that lesson? It was just after India got Independence. At that time Panchayat board elections took place at Rameswaram. My father was elected Panchayat Boardmember and on the same day he was also elected the president of the Rameswaram Panchayat Board. Rameswaram Island was a beautiful place with 30,000 populations. At that time they elected my father as Panchayat Board president not because he belonged to a particular religion or a particular caste or spoke a particular language or for his economic status. He was elected only on the basis of his nobility of mind and for being a good human being. Dear listeners, I would like to narrate one incident that took place on the day he was elected president of the Panchayat Board.
    I was at that time studying in school. Those days we did not have electricity and we used to study under ration kerosene lamps. I was reading the lessons loudly and I heard a knock at the door. We never used to lock the door in Rameswaram in those days. Somebody opened the door, came in and asked me where my father was? I told him that father had gone for the evening namaz. Then he said, I have brought something for him, can I keep it here? Since my father had gone for namaz, I shouted for my mother to get her permission to receive the item. Since she was also on the amaz there was no response. I asked the person to leave the item on the cot. After that I continued my studies.
      I used to learn by reading aloud in my younger days. I was reading loud and fully concentrating on my studies. At that time my father came in and saw a tambalum kept in the cot. He asked me "What is this? Who has given that?" I told him, "Somebody came and has kept this for you". He opened the cover of the tambalum and found there was a costly dhoti, angawastram, some fruits and some sweets and he could see the slip that the person had left behind. I was the youngest child of my father, he really loved me and I also loved him a lot. He was upset at the sight of the tambalum and gifts.
     That was the first time I saw him very angry and also that was the first time I had got a thorough beating from him. I got frightened and started weeping. My mother embraced and consoled me. Then my father came and touched my shoulder lovingly with affection and advised me not to receive any gift without his permission. He quoted an Islamic Hadith, which states that, "When the Almighty appoints a person to a position, He takes care of his provision. If a person takes anything beyond that, it is an illegal gain." Then he told me that it is not a good habit. A gift is always accompanied by some purpose and a gift is a dangerous thing. It is like touching a snake and getting the poison in turn. This lesson stands out always in my mind even when I am in my seventies. This incident, taught me a very valuable lesson for my life. It is deeply embedded in my mind.
  I would like also to mention the writings in Manu Smriti which states that "By accepting gifts the divine light in the person gets extinguished". Manu warns every individual against accepting giftsfor the reason that it places the acceptor under an obligation in favour of the person who gave the gift and ultimately it results in making a person to do things which are not permitted according tolaw.
   I am sharing this thought, with all of you, particularly the young ones, do not be carried away by any gift which comes with a purpose and through which one loses his personality greatly. Do you think, you can follow this in your life? I will be very happy if you can practice this sincerely.
    When I think of my second teacher, I am reminded of my childhood days when I was studying in 8th class at the age of 13. I had a teacher, Shri Siva Subramania Iyer. He was one of the very good teachers in our school. All of us loved to attend his class and hear him. One day he was teaching about a bird's flight. He drew a diagram of a bird on the blackboard depicting the wings, tail and the body structure with the head. He explained how birds create the lift and fly. He also explained to us how they change direction while flying. For nearly 25 minutes he gave the lecture withvarious information such as lift, drag, how the birds fly in a formation of 10, 20 or 30. At the end of the class, he wanted to know whether we understood how birds fly. I said, I did not understand.When I said this, the teacher asked the other students whether they understood or not. Many students said that they also did not understand. He did not get upset by our response since he was a committed teacher.
        Our teacher said that he would take all of us to the sea shore. That evening the whole class was at the sea shore of Rameswaram. We enjoyed the roaring sea waves knocking at the sandyhills in the pleasant evening. Birds were flying with sweet chirping voice. He showed the sea birds in formations of 10 to 20 numbers. We saw the marvellous formations of birds with a purpose and we were all amazed. He showed us the birds and asked us to see that when the birds fly, what they looked like. We saw the wings flapping. He asked us to look at the tail portion with thecombination of flapping wings and twisting tail. We noticed closely and found that the birds in that condition flew in the direction they desired. Then he       asked us a question, "Where the engine is and how it is powered"?
   The bird is powered by its own life and the motivation of what it wants. All these things were explained to us within fifteen minutes. We all understood the dynamics from this practical example. How nice it was. Our teacher was a great teacher; he could give us a theoretical lesson coupled with a live practical example available in nature. This is real teaching. I am sure many of the teachers in schools and colleges will follow this example.
        For me, it was not merely an understanding of how a bird flies. The bird's flight entered into me and created a special feeling. From that evening, I thought that my future study has to be withreference to flight and flight systems. I am saying this because my teacher's teaching and the event that I witnessed decided my future career. Then one evening after the 
classes, I asked the teacher, "Sir, please tell me, how to progress further in learning all about flight." He patiently explained to me that I should complete 8th class, and then go to high school,and then I should go to engineering college that may lead to education on flight. If I complete all my education with excellence, I might do something connected with flight sciences. This adviceand the bird flying exercise given by my teacher, really gave me a goal and a mission for my life. When I went to college, I took physics. When I went to engineering in Madras Institute ofTechnology, I took aeronautical engineering.

Thus my life was transformed as a rocket engineer, aerospace engineer and technologist. That one incident of my teacher teaching the lesson, showing the visual live example proved to be a turning point in my life which eventually shaped my profession.
A student during his school life upto 10+2 spends 25,000 hours in the school campus. His life is, more influenced by the teachers and the school environment. Therefore, the school must have the best of teachers with ability to, teach and love teaching and build moral qualities. Teachers should become role models. Similarly, the student must be alert to build himself with best of qualities and to get ignited with a vision for his or her future life.
I would like to share with you another experience with my teacher Prof. Satish Dhawan. First, I worked in Delhi with the Ministry of Defence. Later I joined the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) in 1958 at the Aeronautical Development Establishment at Bangalore. There with the advice of the Director, I took up the development of hovercraft.Hovercraft design needed the development of a ducted contra-rotating propeller for creating a smooth flow balancing the torques. I did not know how to design a contra-rotating propeller though I knew how to design a conventional propeller. Some of my friends told me that I could approach Prof. Satish Dhawan of the Indian Institute of Science, who was well known for his aeronautical research, for help.
I took permission from my Director Dr Mediratta and went to Prof Dhawan who was sitting in a small room in the Indian Institute of Science with a lot of books in the background and a blackboard on the wall. Prof Dhawan asked me what the problem was that I wanted to discuss. I explained the problem.. He told me that it was really a challenging task and he would teach me the design if I attended his classes in IISc between 2 pm to 3 pm on all Saturdays for the next six weeks.
He was a visionary teacher. He prepared the schedule for the entire course and wrote it on the black board. He also gave me the reference material and books I should read before I startattending the course. I considered, this as a great opportunity and I started attending the discussion and started meeting him regularly. Before commencing each meeting, he would ask critical questions and assess my understanding of the subject. That was for the first time that I realized how a good teacher prepares himself for teaching with meticulous planning and prepares the student for acquisition of knowledge. This process continued for the next six weeks. I got the capability for designing the contra-rotating propeller. Prof Dhawan told me that I was ready fordeveloping the contra-rotating propeller for a given hovercraft configuration. That was the time I realized that Prof Dhawan was not only a teacher but also a fantastic development engineer ofaeronautical systems. 
Later during the critical phases of testing, Prof Dhawan was with me to witness the test and find solutions to the problems. After reaching the smooth test phase, the contra-rotating propeller went through 50 hours of continuous testing. Prof Dhawan witnessed the test himself and congratulated me. That was a great day for me when I saw the contra rotating propeller designed by my team performing to the mission requirement in the hovercraft. However, at that time, I did not realize that Prof Dhawan would become chairman, ISRO and that I would get the opportunity to work with him as a project director in the development of the satellite launch vehicle SLV-3 for injecting the Rohini satellite into the orbit. Nature has its own way to link the student's dream and real life later.
This was the first design in my career which gave me the confidence to design many complex aerospace systems in future. The hovercraft could fly just above the ground level carrying twopassengers. I was the first pilot for this hovercraft and I could control and maneuver the vehicle in any direction. Through this project I learnt the techniques of designing and developing the contra-rotating propeller. Above all, I learnt that in a project, problems will always crop up; we should not allow problems to be our masters but we should defeat the problems. Then successes will sparkle.

The three teachers in my life; what did they give me? In an integrated way it can be said, that any enlightened human being can be created by three unique characteristics.One is moral value system. That I got from my father the hard way. Secondly, the teacher becoming a role model. Not only does the student learn, but the teacher shapes his life with great dreams and aims. Finally, the education and learning process has to culminate in the creation of professional capability leading to confidence and will power to make a design, to make a product, to make a system, bravely combating many problemsWhat a fortune and blessing I had from my three teachers.

Among the listeners, there may be many parents, many teachers and a large number of students. Every one of us in this planet creates a page in human history irrespective of who he/she is. Irealize my experience is a small dot in human life, but that dot has a life and light. This light, let it light many lamps.
   My best wishes to all of you on this occasion of Teachers' Day. Thank you.

A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others.  ~Anon
Teaching is not a lost art, but the regard for it is a lost tradition.  ~Jacques Barzun
A good teacher is a master of simplification and an enemy of simplism.  ~Louis A. Berman
A teacher's purpose is not to create students in his own image, but to develop students who can create their own image.  ~Anon

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- कोई भी मूल्य एवं संस्कृति तब तक जीवित नहीं रह सकती जब तक वह आचरण में नहीं है.


25 Ways Hinduism Promotes Heterosexuality

Here is an article about what the western world can learn from the Indian culture. A writer reproduces the texts within his/her understanding of the old teachings.

"The goal of human life is to go back to God at the time of death. The most powerful chain that binds us to this temporal fleshy world is sex. To diminish sex and increase our devotion to God, saints have promoted the following behavior.by "Maah" (for henrymakow.com)

Here are some more ways to thwart demonic attempts to destroy humanity by polluting male/female relationships:

1. Females need to be protected by their fathers in their childhood, husbands in their youth and by their grown-up sons in their older age. Protected from what? Illicit sexual involvement with irresponsible men.

2. Women are considered to be 9 times lustier than men. They are also easily seduced, like children are easily mislead.

3. Maturing girls are not supposed to be touched by any man but their husband, which means dating is not allowed. As soon as a young girl experiences her sexual urge in physical connection with a male, if it is not abusive, she usually gives her heart to that male. The heart should be given to only the husband. A girl who has given her heart to one boy is not suitable for marriage to another.

4. Thus, girls should be married BEFORE the age of sexual awakening to assure she awakens with the man she is to love and serve her entire life. Womens' strong bonding to their husband is the auspicious glue of civilized human society.

5. The marriage of a daughter is considered a great responsibility and brings honor and blessings to devoted parents. The father should carefully consider the groom's family, the nature and desires of the young people and try to ascertain by astrology or some method that there will be a successful, happy future for the daughter, when arranging her marriage.

6. Girls should be raised to expect to be married, to be faithful and chaste wives for the sake of good progeny and peaceful society. She should know how to cook, sew, clean, manage help, tend a garden, serve guests, take care of husband's parents and the children, manage household finances, speak pleasingly, be tolerant and patient, massage, give natural health care, associate only with good wives and make husband and God the center of her life.

7. Most girls do not require to be educated beyond reading and some math. Girls by their nature like taking care of children and desire to be subservient to a man. Men, especially young men, naturally desire to show their authority over a wife and this should be tolerated by the understanding wife. In the same way, women get much satisfaction being the authority over the small children.

8. Boys' schooling should consist of learning self-control and self-sufficiency. He should know about the soul, the world, action, nature and God. He should have a career based on his talent and interests, usually the same one or similar to his father. If he enters a marriage with these qualifications, the boy and girl can be happy in married life and the girl will naturally respect and want to serve her husband; as he will naturally feel satisfaction in working to maintain his wife and family and not be overwhelmed by attraction to the female form.

9. Girls should be taught not to feel any sense of degradation at the selfless, valuable service they perform in their role in life. They should willingly encourage and support their husband's endeavors.

10. Men should not indulge in illicit sex including porn, gambling, meat eating or intoxication, including smoking, coffee and tea drinking. They should not waste the family money. Nor should women.

11. When women are free to mix with men and sexual relations develop outside of a committed marriage, the woman, not the man, gives birth to children who are not wanted by the father or society. The women have to be supported by government aid or struggling families. Sometimes the women and child are abandoned and left to fend for themselves in the world. In many cases the unwanted child is murdered in the womb. This is against the first commandment of God and is a great sin for the woman. Unwanted children are the cause of many ills in society.

12. Boys should be taught from an early age to look upon all women except their wife as mothers. They should think of girls as being the possession of their fathers, and not in a position to give 'themselves' away.

13. As a matter of policy, men and women should not sit together alone in a secluded place, even family members, as the sex desire is so strong.

14. Boys and girls should not attend the same schools. Nor should boys be exposed to music, books, movies, TV or other mens' examples which promote womanizing as the standard of manhood. Girls should not be exposed to movies, books, music, TV or other womanly examples which promote looseness, nakedness and sexiness as the standard of feminine behavior.

15. Humans are naturally divided into four classes; from highest to lowest these are:  Priestly or intellectual class, Administrator or warrior class, mercantile or agricultural producer class and assistant or laborer class. Girls can be married to boys of the same or higher class but should never be married to a boy of lower class. Such marriages result in unhappiness for both parties.

16. Sex is meant for procreation, to produce God-conscious children. It should be proceeded by prayer and spiritual intention and voluntarily avoided once the family has reached the intended size. If it cannot be avoided entirely, at least men should not pollute virgin girls or ruin the lives of other married couples. They must remain within the marriage.

17. Illicit sex should be strongly socially condemned.

18. As far as possible, all women should be married and have children to raise, as the selfless act of motherhood raises her consciousness, gives her happiness and confidence and purifies her of selfish female tendencies.

19. Boys should be taught to retain their semen to enable them to produce male children, to encourage good health, bright faces, self-confidence, strong memories and intelligent discriminatory powers.

20. Man's interest needs to be on service to God, saintly teachers, society and his profession. He looks upon wife as help-mate. He should not blame her for his failings and weaknesses, but should attempt to correct and advance himself. He should treat his wife with firmness, fairness and reserved kindness. She should treat him with respectful deference and affection.

21. Shyness in girls is a safety valve to help protect them from male exploitation. When they mix freely with boys and this valve is loosened it invites illicit sex (unwanted children) and girls loose a special charm, innocence and attractiveness.

22. Girls must be married while they still have the bloom of youth. Even an unattractive woman will be attractive at this age. Boys should be married before 30. An age difference of 10 years is perfectly acceptable. That kind of age difference helps the girl naturally respect the husband which inspires the male.

23. After the age of 50, the husband is to leave home and go to the forest or travel for spiritual pursuits and educating others about spiritual matters. The wife stays home in the care of the grown up children.

24. If there is no mother at home and the wife deals harshly, it is better for the man to leave home and go to the forest.

25. Every morning and night the family should read the scriptures together, pray and glorify God's holy names together for a half hour or more. That is the best foundation for family and society.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- कोई भी मूल्य एवं संस्कृति तब तक जीवित नहीं रह सकती जब तक वह आचरण में नहीं है.