Useful Sites

Indian Post:

  1. Track ur speed post: http://services.ptcmysore.gov.in/Speednettracking/login.aspx

Indian Rail:
  1. Basics of Railway-reservation: http://www.indiamike.com/india-articles/indian-railways-rac-and-indian-railways-waitlists/
  2. PNR (SMS Services Codes): http://www.indianrail.gov.in/sms_Code_Table.html
  3. Change name in Rail-ticket: http://indianrail.gov.in/change_Name.html

  1. Food additives in packed items: http://www.mbm.net.au/health/620-640.htm

  1. RTI-Help: http://www.rtiindia.org/
  2. Municipal Corporations in States of India: http://india.gov.in/citizen/nagarpalika/municipal_corporation.php

National Portal of India: http://india.gov.in/
Election Commission:
  1. Voter list (MP): http://india.gov.in/outerwin.php?id=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ceomadhyapradesh.nic.in%2FvoterlistNew.aspx
  2. State election Commission Uttar Pradesh: http://sec.up.nic.in/
Govt Jobs: http://india.gov.in/citizen/job_seekers/job_seekers.php

State Public Service commissions: http://india.gov.in/citizen/job_seekers/job_seekers_spservice.php

Indian Forest Services:
  1. http://india.gov.in/outerwin.php?id=http://www.upsc.gov.in/general/ifs.htm
  2. http://india.gov.in/outerwin.php?id=http://ifs.nic.in/

Same info at googledocs.

------------------------------------------------------ कोई भी मूल्य एवं संस्कृति तब तक जीवित नहीं रह सकती जब तक वह आचरण में नहीं है.


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