What is EWS Certificate? What are the requirements for getting an EWS certificate?

EWS = Economically Weaker Sections

The Narendra Modi government introduced EWS quota for the weaker sections in the General category to provide them the benefit of the reservation. To get the benefit of reservation for EWS, one needs to get a certificate for EWS.

Eligibility criteria:

Persons not covered under the reservation for SCs, STs and OBCs and with a gross annual family income below Rs 8 lakh (Rupees eight lakh only) fall under EWS.

Gross annual family income = Income from all sources, i.e., salary, agriculture, business, etc for the financial year prior to the year of application.

The term “Family” for this purpose will include the person who seeks the benefit of reservation, his/her parents and siblings below the age of 18 years as also his/her spouse and children below the age of 18 years. 

Irrespective of income, one (family) must not have any of the following:–

  1. 5 acres of agricultural land and above;
  2. Residential at of 1000 sq ft. and above;
  3. plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified municipalities;
  4. Residential, plot of 200 sq. yards and above in areas other than the notified municipalities.

Documents Required for EWS Certificate
  1. Aadhar Card & Pan Card
  2. Bank Statement & Income Certificate
  3. Domicile Certificate & Property Certificate
  4. Passport Size Photo
  5. Caste Certificate

Validity – The EWS Certificate will be valid for one year.

One can get the EWS certificate from Tehasildar/ District Magistrate/ Additional District Magistrate/ Collector/ Deputy Commissioner/ Additional Deputy Commissioner/ 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate/ Sub-Divisional Magistrate/ Taluka Magistrate/ Magistrate/ Extra Assistant Commissioner/ Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Presidency Magistrate / Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar and Sub-Divisional Officer of the area.

अभी सिर्फ ऑफलाइन ही EWS Certificate के लिए आवेदन किया जा सकता है | और बनवाया जा सकता है | EWS Certificate बनाने के लिए आपको अपने तहसील में – जिला मजिस्ट्रेट / अपर जिला मजिस्ट्रेट / कलेक्टर / अतिरिक्त ‘डिप्टी कमिश्नर से / तहसीलदार से / उप-विभागीय अधिकारी से/ वह क्षेत्र जहाँ उम्मीदवार या उसका परिवार सामान्य रूप से रहता है वहां के उप-विभागीय अधिकारी से बनवाया जा सकता है.


Firstly, go to mee seva office nearby and ask the respective officer regarding EWS certificate application procedure. They will be giving an application form which need to be filled.

Moreover you need to submit xeroxes of the following certificates:

1. Aadhar card (both parents and applicant) and Ration card

2. 10th certificate & 10th Transfer certificate

3. Community certificate

4. Affidavit (Notary from a lawyer)- original.

After uploading these, the mee-seva officer will return your certificates along with some reference id paper and you need to submit those certificate xeroxes to VRO for his approval and preserve that reference id for future use.

Within a fortnight you will be getting your EWS certificate after respective officer's approval.

------------------------------------------------ कोई भी मूल्य एवं संस्कृति तब तक जीवित नहीं रह सकती जब तक वह आचरण में नहीं है.


1000s of Workers from Bihar are stranded waiting for the buses to run in Delhi, admist lockdown. What do you think about it?

I wrote the following answer on Quora. They collapsed my answer. But, when  I clicked on the link to find the real reason, it showed no such thing that I have violated. Anyway, I complied with an appeal and updated my answer as well.  After, more than one week, I got the following reply:

Moral of the story: Write your own blog. Period.

-=-=-=-=-=My answer-=-=-=-=

Obliged for being A2A.
Let me tell you my experience, at first.
I am in Delhi region right now. I returned on 22nd Mar 2020 from Hyderabad. Since then, I am inside my building.
On 22nd evening, On my way to my home, I passed by Anand Vihar Bus Terminal (the photos of the same have been viral). I needed to change bus. I saw some passengers waiting for buses. A big group was waiting for some conveyance to Ghaziabad. They were negotiating with auto drivers. I saw three UPSRTC buses coming out (two going to Kannauj and one to Shahjahapur). I waited for around 35 minutes and no other bus came by going towards UP. However, many buses towards Kashmiri Gate were passing by. I was waiting for Bus no. 33.
Now, in recent update, as one can say, amid ChinaVirus pandemic, the groups of people were waiting to leave Anand Vihar Bus Terminal. It is reported that they were trying to go towards Bihar/UP.
I just don’t understand how vicious Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal could be. He gets a scoring political angle in everything.. .. now during ChinaVirus too.
How could you plan deportation without other states’ readiness to transport them to their own states/places?
People were forced to make up their mind to leave. People saw that buses too are plying to Anand Vihar BUS Terminal. In such situation that started moving to AVBT, only to find that there is no other bus available.
Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal was singing a song of development while campaigning in Delhi Elections. India, like any other country, faces challenges like poverty and illiteracy which go together. Any emergency situation in a country needs to control the mass and poor and illiterate are hard to control due to various reasons. Now Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal wants to send a message that Delhi has controlled ChinaVirus once these poor people are deported to their home places/states.
When you need them … you lure them and now when you want to win scores on the grounds of pandemic control you leave them vulnerable to exposure of ChinaVirus when they gather at Bus stations and it will further add more cases in the states they visit. We will soon hear of cases in the villages too. All thanks to Arvind Kejriwal.
What a cunning and inhumane act by Delhi CM.
(This article was first written on Sun 29.03.2020)
Updated on Apr 01, 2020
My article was collapsed by Quora citing policy violations. I have updated (sorry for being late) my answer and added links of required evidences which were not available at that time. I thank the team Quora to be patient and lenient with me.
Delhi CM Mr. Arvind Keriwal is a public figure and is open (I guess) to critique if he does something in a discrete manner. I would like to submit some links to my readers as given below:
Public announcement by Delhi Govt. to reach the border areas where buses are waiting for them: https://twitter.com/KapilMishra_IND/status/1244088375314800640
A detailed description by Youtube channel AKTK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQZMaosGLAk&feature=emb_logo

A discussion over what would have been possibly planned by Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal (similar to what I presented):

I would like to thank everyone for reading as well as giving an opportunity to engage with.

------------------------------------------------------ कोई भी मूल्य एवं संस्कृति तब तक जीवित नहीं रह सकती जब तक वह आचरण में नहीं है.




इस बहुचर्चित उपन्यास के माध्यम से प्रेमचंद जी ने समकालीन समाज में प्रचलित आडम्बरों, कुप्रथाओं एवं निर्धन के शोषण का चित्रण किया है. उन्होंने दिखलाया है कि कैसे अंगरेजों के बनाये कानूनों की वजह से धीरे-धीरे सामाजिक मूल्यों का पतन हो रहा है. धनी व्यक्ति एक निर्धन का शोषण कर लेने में, ऋण के तले दबा लेने में ही प्रसन्न है. दूसरी ओर निर्धन भी अपनी रोजी-रोटी कमाने और परिवार को पालने में की गई बेईमानी को सही मान कर चल रहा है.

शहर में रहने वाले स्वयं को पश्चिमी संस्कृति के बढ़ते चलन के सामने खुद को छोटा अनुभव कर रहे हैं और किसी भी भाँति उस संस्कृति के चोले में ढलकर अपने को उच्च वर्ग के लोगों के समक्ष, अधिकारियों के सामने बड़ा करके दिखाना चाहते हैं. युवा वर्ग अपनी संस्कृति से अनजान है और उच्च वर्ग के लोगों को आदर्श मानकर बड़ा हो रहा है.

प्रेमचंद ने ग्रामीण क्षेत्र के कृषक वर्ग की जिजीविषा का बड़ा ही मार्मिक वर्णन किया है. इसी जिजीविषा के चलते प्राकृतिक आपदाएं, पड़ोसियों की धूर्तता के बावजूद भी अपनी समृद्धि की सद-इच्छा को एक अभिशाप की भाँति जीते हुए भी अपने कर्म में रमा हुआ है. किन्तु इस सबका का लाभ अंततः जमींदार एवं महाजन उठाते हैं.

इन सब के बीच अन्तर्जातीय विवाह एक अवधारणा के रूप में परिलक्षित हुई है.

उन्होंने दिखाया है कि कैसे अपने कर्तव्यों से विमुख जमींदार इत्यादि उच्च वर्ग के लोग समय आने पर काल की गति का ग्रास बनाते हैं किन्तु अपनी प्रजा की ओर तनिक भी उनकी दृष्टि नहीं जाती. दूसरी ओर कुत्सित व्यवस्थाओं के जाल में फंस कर निर्धन अपना दम तोड़ रहा है.

'उच्च वर्ग का ह्रास एवं निर्धन का नाश' - यही गोदान की चेतावनी है.

------------------------------------------------------ कोई भी मूल्य एवं संस्कृति तब तक जीवित नहीं रह सकती जब तक वह आचरण में नहीं है.


Mental state of 'the Arundhati Roy': What's wrong with her

I was a high school kid back then when Ms. Arundhati Roy got the Booker. For some years it was a proud piece of information that someone from my country won this award. Time came when I was introduced to tech-life and got opportunity to read and listen what this famous writer thinks.

Some of us know that Kerala and Bengal are the two places where intellectuals beat their chest on every matter that is of national interest... ... ...Result: A Mango man in banana republic is overwhelmed most of the time if he can't recollect and reconnect the dots. She has been raised in Kerala (no stereotypes please) and I guess Ms. Arundhati has got it all wrong in her childhood and school training.

Sometimes she talks of illegal invasion of India over some (present Indian) states back then. She termed convicted terrorist Mohammad Afzal a "prisoner-of-war". She talked over connection of Godhara and Kashmir over Mumbai attacks. She told everyone that Maoists are Gandhians... list is long.

I see that if someone talks about anti-India, and is not alone that Ms. Arundhati might be sharing the camera.

Like Marxists, she is always right, no matter what goes... and above all, I guess, she is most of the time not able to connect the dots and has some kind of memory problem like the one female actor in the movie 50 First Dates has.

Someday I would like to see her working for a cause... which is very tough for her... ... to stick to one point.

------------------------------------------------------ कोई भी मूल्य एवं संस्कृति तब तक जीवित नहीं रह सकती जब तक वह आचरण में नहीं है.

Mr. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and Sikhs and Present day India

I am reading, once again, about Sikhs.

There have been 10 Gurus among Sikhs. And, if not all, most of them were then very saint like humans (no need to elaborate, I guess)... ... followed Indian way of peaceful life... ... when in the times of Mughals peace was almost impossible, they taught us how to tolerate/withstand.

But, after so many years of Guru-tradition, 10th Guru 'Shri Gobind Singh Ji' realized that it is not the peace loving attitude which would help us; rather being strong would certainly give us a standing.

Mr. Gandhi did not learn from history.

He did not realize that the people who worship the tyrants and follow 'the anarchist' are of the same 'old cult'... which has looted and vandalized our land many a time (not all, but the power greedy leaders). He kept on singing the song of brotherhood while at the same time the muslim leaders took it as a weakness... and reaped of it.

Mr. Gandhi indirectly created a game where one 'smaller' section of the society was free to call it 'foul' and 'unfair' at its own discretion during the play... ... and intellectual breeds would have to support.

Unlike the 10th Guru of Sikhs, he could not take a stand. Maybe he was too busy to introspect that way... maybe something else.

One thing is clear that practices of Sat-yug might not be suitable in Kali-yug... ... ... And when you are the leader you have to imagine a future ... Mr. gandhi failed in here, but Guru Gobind Singh Ji showed his metal by giving us what saved us for many years to come... ... and we owe our 'present' to him (Guru Gobind Singh Ji).

Added on June 17, 2017:

However, Sikhs have lost all of their pride they once had. I was a kid in 1984, and I see Congress winning every alternate elections in Punjab, mocking the history and Guru Gobind Singh ji too.

------------------------------------------------------ कोई भी मूल्य एवं संस्कृति तब तक जीवित नहीं रह सकती जब तक वह आचरण में नहीं है.


Here is what I learnt in last more than one month of no mobilephone connectivity

It had been a long (in modern perspective) since I carried a 70g (approx.) weight in my hand/pocket almost all the time. I was feeling good in a way that I was more free (usually I am) and from worldly waves which are eager to knock you down. Yes, I am talking about that piece of matter which has become a body organ for most of us and many of us might not think a life without it. There are jobs, relations, and sometimes studies too that ask you to carry it like a hunter with gun in jungle or traveller with water bottle in a desert.

I see, people talk while walking (or vice versa), eating, doing 'things' in washroom. I only imagine now, life would be in one's control had 'mobile phone' was not marketed. All this we do with our phones, it takes away our attention and hence I would say 'energy' from ourselves. Also, people find it irresistible not to use phone (mostly in 'talking sense') even when they attend seminars, meditation sessions (yes!!), meetings etc. where others are also disturbed. At times, it is funny to see that others also become part of 'call/the talk'.

One thing, I already knew and realized (again) this one more time that more we talk on phone, the quality of attachment (with the person we talk to) comes lower. I remember, I used to write letters to my home, relatives (and friends a couple of times). I have preserved most of letters I received, and every time (whenever I come across with them) I read them... I feel the same warmth, again.

When you are not talking on phone (like my case), you can spend your time on some real stuff, like thinking, writing, reading, and or simply in gaming (like, I finished NFS2-Most Wanted). You are never worried that someone might just catch you while eating, walking and other meaningful activities you were into.

I never thought that I would make it again (around 8 years before I had done it, and it was scary for family members, I even did not bother to contact them in that period. I got bashing from my friends too that time (not really).). So, when it happened I told home not to panic and gave them one emergency number too.

This is really funny to recall all that. It started when I left my home after vacations in the start of May. I was writing a message to send to my friend who has been really a helping hand in last month. All of a sudden, screen became white and nothing happened further after many efforts. for two days I was in 'milky white' mode and reached my place, joined my work. Next day I was supposed to start on another trip (10 days). I could not do anything about that problem. Luckily, on its own, phone became normal next morning and I boarded train. TTE did not come, thanks to him; coz phone was playing with me... ... I never knew if I tap it and it would show me readable screen.

Next day, to my connecting train TTE, I showed the ticket when it was just working and felt relieved; those who know about Indian TTE's they understand that I got myself from big hassle.

This journey was little zig-zag and it took almost 4 days to reach Kharagpur (KGP). In the mean time, sometimes when someone would call I would receive in 'white' without able to know who was calling. This was adventurous.

In KGP, I got one spare phone to use for the duration of a week. Not before the end of the week, I could find time to think about repairing my phone. One friend suggested a known shop (ya, i am using a rare phone, it is almost impossible to get yourself its store around) and it was treated in around two hours.

On my way back to my place I was happy. But, what the heavens was that! it was back to 'white' after 4-5 taps. I was really sad. It was already late in night and decided not to go back to shop. I called the mechanic back and he offered that he would take, may be, 'one day' and then I would get it done. Next evening, I was supposed to leave. my friend suggested that he was 'good' guy and I should give it a try.

That 'one more day' finally turned out to be more than one month. And I set a new record in this decade (previous one was in last decade :P). Other than home, nobody would have any idea where on the earth I was.

Thanks to my laziness, such a thing happened again.

------------------------------------------------------ कोई भी मूल्य एवं संस्कृति तब तक जीवित नहीं रह सकती जब तक वह आचरण में नहीं है.